The Holy Spirit & the Life of Faith

THE ESSENTIAL ACCOMPANIMENT of a genuine saving relationship with Jesus Christ is a life of holiness and obedience, attained by believers as they submit to the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity.

He was sent into the world by the Father and the Son to reveal God’s truth and apply to us the saving work of Christ. He enlightens the minds of sinners, awakens in them a recognition of their need of a Savior and regenerates them. At the point of spiritual birth, every believer is “baptized in the Spirit”. As He takes residence in us, He becomes the source of assurance, strength and wisdom. He uniquely endows each believer with gifts for the upbuilding of the community of faith, the “Body of Christ”.

The Holy Spirit guides believers in understanding and applying the Scripture. His power and direction are appropriated by faith, making it possible for the believer to lead a life of Christ-like character and to bear fruit to the glory of God.


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Jesus said to his disciples: "I have
much more to say to you, more than
you can now bear. But when he, the
Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide
you into all truth."

John 16:12-13 (NIV)

"We were all baptized with one
Spirit into one body - whether Jews
or Greeks, slave or free - and we
were all given the one Spirit to

1. Corinthians 12:13