What we do: community
It was difficult to decide whether to talk about "community" under "What we are..." or "What we do...". We finally decided to address the question of what we mean by a "spiritual community" under what we do, because the early church associated community (koinonia was the word they used) with the classic Jewish concept of "walking" - i.e. a life practice. We are part of the family of God, brothers and sisters in Christ, and many other things that are shared in common with all other followers of Jesus. Community is something we strive to practice or "do".
The word “community” can raise many different associations:
communication… community
service… communes…
There are several elements to what we mean when we call ourselves a “community”:
• a commitment to mutual accountability and living in the Light, i.e. transparency and honesty in all our relationships; a readiness to forgive where we hurt and wound one another (this is inevitable: we are all “sons of Adam” and “daughters of Eve”) and a willingness to help each other when one member is struggling with a load too heavy for them to manage alone.